Support Me


Like what I do? Help me make more!

There are a number of ways to help me continue to produce the content that brought you here in the first place. This list is a quick and easy reference of ways to financially support me.

Got a particular fantasy? Something you’d love to hear me say, do, read, recite? Then this is the option for you.
Check out my price list on all the options I offer, when it comes to personalised audio.


Visit my Patreon and, from $1 get yourself access to my entire backlog and all new audios as soon as they release for as long as you’re a patron. Oh, and of course there are plenty of exclusive audios available only to patrons as well as monthly polls, rambles and the opportunity to chat with me on Skype. Check it out!


[kofi] Ko-Fi
I also use Ko-Fi for more direction donations from you kind souls. If you’d like to support me quickly and easy, go ahead; click the button to get started!


product image of a 'Xyta's Big O' pin badge from RedbubbleRed Bubble Merch
My Red Bubble store features designs centred around my voice work, usually utilising waveforms of specific catchphrases in simplistic, classy designs on pins, mugs and tote bags.


Midnyte Crafts on Etsy
Kinky Crochet is very much a thing and I’m proud of the silly little things I make. This store is where I place surplus crochet creations from smiling penises to squishy boobs. Take a look, see if anything strikes your fancy.


Amazon Wish List
There are a handful of fun and silly little items that I crave in a spoilt kind of way. From yarn, to candy, to books and DVDs. However there are a couple of items I very much want to use to upgrade my recording space. All of these things can be found on this list.